It always stuck me as the most heartless, un- compassionate request to ask a young couple they deny themselfs the opportunity of creating a family. Sadly unless you have experienced this wonderful, most meaningful pleasure you can never appreciate, the loss. It's unbelievable, having a child both the pleasure and worry. Oh the times my boy has had his operations, been put to sleep , fortunately for minor operations, but particularly when he was a baby, it always made me appreciate sitting by his side at a hospital bed when he woke up.
Yesterday the operation was a broken arm, some metal parts had to be put in, but they put him to sleep and it was that terrible hour while they operated that I had this terrible fear, and realized how lucky I am to have my boy. Sitting by his side as he awoke from the operation was the best feeling in the world. And his first words to me when he woke from the operation were " Hello Matey" ( a word often used by pirates to address friends)
Any organisation that encourages its members not to have a child is pure and simply evil.
The Rebel.